GeSHi Klassenreferenz

Aufstellung aller Elemente

Öffentliche Methoden

 GeSHi ($source, $language, $path= '')
 error ()
 get_language_name ()
 set_source ($source)
 set_language ($language)
 set_language_path ($path)
 set_header_type ($type)
 set_overall_style ($style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_overall_class ($class)
 set_overall_id ($id)
 enable_classes ($flag=true)
 set_code_style ($style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_line_style ($style1, $style2= '', $preserve_defaults=false)
 enable_line_numbers ($flag, $nth_row=5)
 set_keyword_group_style ($key, $style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_keyword_group_highlighting ($key, $flag=true)
 set_comments_style ($key, $style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_comments_highlighting ($key, $flag=true)
 set_escape_characters_style ($style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_escape_characters_highlighting ($flag=true)
 set_brackets_style ($style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_brackets_highlighting ($flag)
 set_symbols_style ($style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_symbols_highlighting ($flag)
 set_strings_style ($style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_strings_highlighting ($flag)
 set_numbers_style ($style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_numbers_highlighting ($flag)
 set_methods_style ($key, $style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_methods_highlighting ($flag)
 set_regexps_style ($key, $style, $preserve_defaults=false)
 set_regexps_highlighting ($key, $flag)
 set_case_sensitivity ($key, $case)
 set_case_keywords ($case)
 set_tab_width ($width)
 set_use_language_tab_width ($use)
 get_real_tab_width ()
 enable_strict_mode ($mode=true)
 disable_highlighting ()
 enable_highlighting ()
 get_language_name_from_extension ($extension, $lookup=array())
 load_from_file ($file_name, $lookup=array())
 add_keyword ($key, $word)
 remove_keyword ($key, $word)
 add_keyword_group ($key, $styles, $case_sensitive=true, $words=array())
 remove_keyword_group ($key)
 set_header_content ($content)
 set_footer_content ($content)
 set_header_content_style ($style)
 set_footer_content_style ($style)
 enable_inner_code_block ($flag)
 set_url_for_keyword_group ($group, $url)
 set_link_styles ($type, $styles)
 set_link_target ($target)
 set_important_styles ($styles)
 enable_important_blocks ($flag)
 enable_ids ($flag=true)
 highlight_lines_extra ($lines)
 set_highlight_lines_extra_style ($styles)
 set_line_ending ($line_ending)
 start_line_numbers_at ($number)
 set_encoding ($encoding)
 enable_keyword_links ($enable=true)
 parse_code ()
 indent ($result)
 change_case ($instr)
 add_url_to_keyword ($keyword, $group, $start_or_end)
 parse_non_string_part (&$stuff_to_parse)
 set_time ($start_time, $end_time)
 get_time ()
 load_language ($file_name)
 finalise ($parsed_code)
 header ()
 format_header_content ()
 footer ()
 format_footer_content ()
 replace_keywords ($instr)
 get_attributes ()
 hsc ($string, $quote_style=ENT_COMPAT)
 get_stylesheet ($economy_mode=true)

Öffentliche Attribute

 $source = ''
 $language = ''
 $language_data = array()
 $language_path = GESHI_LANG_ROOT
 $error = false
 $strict_mode = false
 $use_classes = false
 $header_type = GESHI_HEADER_PRE
 $time = 0
 $header_content = ''
 $footer_content = ''
 $header_content_style = ''
 $footer_content_style = ''
 $force_code_block = false
 $link_styles = array()
 $enable_important_blocks = false
 $important_styles = 'font-weight: bold; color: red;'
 $add_ids = false
 $highlight_extra_lines = array()
 $highlight_extra_lines_style = 'color: #cc0; background-color: #ffc;'
 $line_ending = null
 $line_numbers_start = 1
 $overall_style = ''
 $code_style = 'font-family: \'Courier New\', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal;'
 $overall_class = ''
 $overall_id = ''
 $line_style1 = 'font-family: \'Courier New\', Courier, monospace; color: black; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;'
 $line_style2 = 'font-weight: bold;'
 $line_numbers = GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS
 $line_nth_row = 0
 $tab_width = 8
 $use_language_tab_width = false
 $link_target = ''
 $encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'
 $keyword_links = true

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Definiert in Zeile 158 der Datei geshi.php.

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

GeSHi::add_keyword ( key,

Adds a keyword to a keyword group for highlighting

int The key of the keyword group to add the keyword to
string The word to add to the keyword group

Definiert in Zeile 1178 der Datei geshi.php.

01178                                       {
01179         $this->language_data['KEYWORDS'][$key][] = $word;
01180     }

GeSHi::add_keyword_group ( key,
case_sensitive = true,
words = array() 

Creates a new keyword group

int The key of the keyword group to create
string The styles for the keyword group
boolean Whether the keyword group is case sensitive ornot
array The words to use for the keyword group

Definiert in Zeile 1203 der Datei geshi.php.

01203                                                                                         {
01204         $words = (array) $words;
01205         $this->language_data['KEYWORDS'][$key] = $words;
01206         $this->lexic_permissions['KEYWORDS'][$key] = true;
01207         $this->language_data['CASE_SENSITIVE'][$key] = $case_sensitive;
01208         $this->language_data['STYLES']['KEYWORDS'][$key] = $styles;
01209     }

GeSHi::add_url_to_keyword ( keyword,

Adds a url to a keyword where needed.

string The keyword to add the URL HTML to
int What group the keyword is from
boolean Whether to get the HTML for the start or end
The HTML for either the start or end of the HTML <a> tag
1.0.2 private
Noch zu erledigen:
Get rid of ender

Definiert in Zeile 2025 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt hsc().

02025                                                                  {
02026         if (!$this->keyword_links) {
02027             // Keyword links have been disabled
02028             return;
02029         }
02031         if (isset($this->language_data['URLS'][$group]) &&
02032             $this->language_data['URLS'][$group] != '' &&
02033             substr($keyword, 0, 5) != '&lt;/') {
02034             // There is a base group for this keyword
02035             if ($start_or_end == 'BEGIN') {
02036                 // HTML workaround... not good form (tm) but should work for 1.0.X
02037                 if ($keyword != '') {
02038                     // Old system: strtolower
02039                     //$keyword = ( $this->language_data['CASE_SENSITIVE'][$group] ) ? $keyword : strtolower($keyword);
02040                     // New system: get keyword from language file to get correct case
02041                     foreach ($this->language_data['KEYWORDS'][$group] as $word) {
02042                         if (strtolower($word) == strtolower($keyword)) {
02043                             break;
02044                         }
02045                     }
02046                     $word = ( substr($word, 0, 4) == '&lt;' ) ? substr($word, 4) : $word;
02047                     $word = ( substr($word, -4) == '&gt;' ) ? substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - 4) : $word;
02048                     if (!$word) return '';
02050                     return '<|UR1|"' .
02051                         str_replace(
02052                             array('{FNAME}', '.'),
02053                             array(GeSHi::hsc($word), '<DOT>'),
02054                             $this->language_data['URLS'][$group]
02055                         ) . '">';
02056                 }
02057                 return '';
02058             // HTML fix. Again, dirty hackage...
02059             }
02060             else if (!($this->language == 'html4strict' && ('&gt;' == $keyword || '&lt;' == $keyword))) {
02061                 return '</a>';
02062             }
02063         }
02064     }

GeSHi::change_case ( instr  ) 

Changes the case of a keyword for those languages where a change is asked for

string The keyword to change the case of
string The keyword with its case changed
1.0.0 private

Definiert in Zeile 2004 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von parse_code().

02004                                  {
02005         if ($this->language_data['CASE_KEYWORDS'] == GESHI_CAPS_UPPER) {
02006             return strtoupper($instr);
02007         }
02008         else if ($this->language_data['CASE_KEYWORDS'] == GESHI_CAPS_LOWER) {
02009             return strtolower($instr);
02010         }
02011         return $instr;
02012     }

GeSHi::disable_highlighting (  ) 

Disables all highlighting

Noch zu erledigen:
Rewrite with an array traversal

Definiert in Zeile 1047 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt enable_important_blocks().

01047                                     {
01048         foreach ($this->lexic_permissions as $key => $value) {
01049             if (is_array($value)) {
01050                 foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
01051                     $this->lexic_permissions[$key][$k] = false;
01052                 }
01053             }
01054             else {
01055                 $this->lexic_permissions[$key] = false;
01056             }
01057         }
01058         // Context blocks
01059         $this->enable_important_blocks = false;
01060     }

GeSHi::enable_classes ( flag = true  ) 

Sets whether CSS classes should be used to highlight the source. Default is off, calling this method with no arguments will turn it on

boolean Whether to turn classes on or not

Definiert in Zeile 600 der Datei geshi.php.

00600                                           {
00601         $this->use_classes = ($flag) ? true : false;
00602     }

GeSHi::enable_highlighting (  ) 

Enables all highlighting

Noch zu erledigen:
Rewrite with array traversal

Definiert in Zeile 1068 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt enable_important_blocks().

Wird benutzt von load_language().

01068                                    {
01069         foreach ($this->lexic_permissions as $key => $value) {
01070             if (is_array($value)) {
01071                 foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
01072                     $this->lexic_permissions[$key][$k] = true;
01073                 }
01074             }
01075             else {
01076                 $this->lexic_permissions[$key] = true;
01077             }
01078         }
01079         // Context blocks
01080         $this->enable_important_blocks = true;
01081     }

GeSHi::enable_ids ( flag = true  ) 

Whether CSS IDs should be added to each line

boolean If true, IDs will be added to each line.

Definiert in Zeile 1341 der Datei geshi.php.

01341                                       {
01342         $this->add_ids = ($flag) ? true : false;
01343     }

GeSHi::enable_important_blocks ( flag  ) 

Sets whether context-important blocks are highlighted

Noch zu erledigen:

Definiert in Zeile 1331 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von disable_highlighting(), enable_highlighting(), finalise() und parse_code().

01331                                             {
01332         $this->enable_important_blocks = ( $flag ) ? true : false;
01333     }

GeSHi::enable_inner_code_block ( flag  ) 

Sets whether to force a surrounding block around the highlighted code or not

boolean Tells whether to enable or disable this feature

Definiert in Zeile 1271 der Datei geshi.php.

01271                                             {
01272         $this->force_code_block = (bool)$flag;
01273     }

GeSHi::enable_keyword_links ( enable = true  ) 

Turns linking of keywords on or off.

boolean If true, links will be added to keywords

Definiert in Zeile 1425 der Datei geshi.php.

01425                                                   {
01426         $this->keyword_links = ($enable) ? true : false;
01427     }

GeSHi::enable_line_numbers ( flag,
nth_row = 5 

Sets whether line numbers should be displayed.

Valid values for the first parameter are:

  • GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS: Line numbers will not be displayed
  • GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS: Line numbers will be displayed
  • GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS: Fancy line numbers will be displayed

For fancy line numbers, the second parameter is used to signal which lines are to be fancy. For example, if the value of this parameter is 5 then every 5th line will be fancy.

int How line numbers should be displayed
int Defines which lines are fancy

Definiert in Zeile 671 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt error().

00671                                                       {
00672         if (GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS != $flag && GESHI_NORMAL_LINE_NUMBERS != $flag
00673             && GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS != $flag) {
00674             $this->error = GESHI_ERROR_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER_TYPE;
00675         }
00676         $this->line_numbers = $flag;
00677         $this->line_nth_row = $nth_row;
00678     }

GeSHi::enable_strict_mode ( mode = true  ) 

Enables/disables strict highlighting. Default is off, calling this method without parameters will turn it on. See documentation for more details on strict mode and where to use it.

boolean Whether to enable strict mode or not

Definiert in Zeile 1035 der Datei geshi.php.

01035                                               {
01036         if (GESHI_MAYBE == $this->language_data['STRICT_MODE_APPLIES']) {
01037           $this->strict_mode = ($mode) ? true : false;
01038         }
01039     }

GeSHi::error (  ) 

Returns an error message associated with the last GeSHi operation, or false if no error has occured

string|false An error message if there has been an error, else false

Definiert in Zeile 445 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von enable_line_numbers(), get_language_name(), get_stylesheet(), load_from_file(), parse_code(), set_header_type() und set_language().

00445                      {
00446         if ($this->error) {
00447             $msg = $this->error_messages[$this->error];
00448             $debug_tpl_vars = array(
00449                 '{LANGUAGE}' => $this->language,
00450                 '{PATH}' => $this->language_path
00451             );
00452             foreach ($debug_tpl_vars as $tpl => $var) {
00453                 $msg = str_replace($tpl, $var, $msg);
00454             }
00455             return "<br /><strong>GeSHi Error:</strong> $msg (code $this->error)<br />";
00456         }
00457         return false;
00458     }

GeSHi::finalise ( parsed_code  ) 

Takes the parsed code and various options, and creates the HTML surrounding it to make it look nice.

string The code already parsed
string The code nicely finalised
1.0.0 private

Definiert in Zeile 2339 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt enable_important_blocks(), footer(), header(), hsc() und indent().

Wird benutzt von parse_code().

02339                                     {
02340         // Remove end parts of important declarations
02341         // This is BUGGY!! My fault for bad code: fix coming in 1.2
02342         // @todo Remove this crap
02343         if ($this->enable_important_blocks &&
02344             (strstr($parsed_code, GeSHi::hsc(GESHI_START_IMPORTANT)) === false)) {
02345             $parsed_code = str_replace(GeSHi::hsc(GESHI_END_IMPORTANT), '', $parsed_code);
02346         }
02348         // Add HTML whitespace stuff if we're using the <div> header
02349         if ($this->header_type != GESHI_HEADER_PRE) {
02350             $parsed_code = $this->indent($parsed_code);
02351         }
02353         // purge some unnecessary stuff
02354         $parsed_code = preg_replace('#<span[^>]+>(\s*)</span>#', '\\1', $parsed_code);
02355         $parsed_code = preg_replace('#<div[^>]+>(\s*)</div>#', '\\1', $parsed_code);
02357         // If we are using IDs for line numbers, there needs to be an overall
02358         // ID set to prevent collisions.
02359         if ($this->add_ids && !$this->overall_id) {
02360             $this->overall_id = 'geshi-' . substr(md5(microtime()), 0, 4);
02361         }
02363         // If we're using line numbers, we insert <li>s and appropriate
02364         // markup to style them (otherwise we don't need to do anything)
02365         if ($this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS) {
02366             // If we're using the <pre> header, we shouldn't add newlines because
02367             // the <pre> will line-break them (and the <li>s already do this for us)
02368             $ls = ($this->header_type != GESHI_HEADER_PRE) ? "\n" : '';
02369             // Get code into lines
02370             $code = explode("\n", $parsed_code);
02371             // Set vars to defaults for following loop
02372             $parsed_code = '';
02373             $i = 0;
02374             $attrs = array();
02376             // Foreach line...
02377             foreach ($code as $line) {
02378                 // Make lines have at least one space in them if they're empty
02379                 // BenBE: Checking emptiness using trim instead of relying on blanks
02380                 if ('' == trim($line)) {
02381                     $line = '&nbsp;';
02382                 }
02383                 // If this is a "special line"...
02384                 if ($this->line_numbers == GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS &&
02385                     $i % $this->line_nth_row == ($this->line_nth_row - 1)) {
02386                     // Set the attributes to style the line
02387                     if ($this->use_classes) {
02388                         //$attr = ' class="li2"';
02389                         $attrs['class'][] = 'li2';
02390                         $def_attr = ' class="de2"';
02391                     }
02392                     else {
02393                         //$attr = ' style="' . $this->line_style2 . '"';
02394                         $attrs['style'][] = $this->line_style2;
02395                         // This style "covers up" the special styles set for special lines
02396                         // so that styles applied to special lines don't apply to the actual
02397                         // code on that line
02398                         $def_attr = ' style="' . $this->code_style . '"';
02399                     }
02400                     // Span or div?
02401                     $start = "<div$def_attr>";
02402                     $end = '</div>';
02403                 }
02404                 else {
02405                     if ($this->use_classes) {
02406                         //$attr = ' class="li1"';
02407                         $attrs['class'][] = 'li1';
02408                         $def_attr = ' class="de1"';
02409                     }
02410                     else {
02411                         //$attr = ' style="' . $this->line_style1 . '"';
02412                         $attrs['style'][] = $this->line_style1;
02413                         $def_attr = ' style="' . $this->code_style . '"';
02414                     }
02415                     $start = "<div$def_attr>";
02416                     $end = '</div>';
02417                 }
02419                 ++$i;
02420                 // Are we supposed to use ids? If so, add them
02421                 if ($this->add_ids) {
02422                     $attrs['id'][] = "$this->overall_id-$i";
02423                 }
02424                 if ($this->use_classes && in_array($i, $this->highlight_extra_lines)) {
02425                     $attrs['class'][] = 'ln-xtra';
02426                 }
02427                 if (!$this->use_classes && in_array($i, $this->highlight_extra_lines)) {
02428                     $attrs['style'][] = $this->highlight_extra_lines_style;
02429                 }
02431                 // Add in the line surrounded by appropriate list HTML
02432                 $attr_string = ' ';
02433                 foreach ($attrs as $key => $attr) {
02434                     $attr_string .= $key . '="' . implode(' ', $attr) . '" ';
02435                 }
02436                 $attr_string = substr($attr_string, 0, -1);
02437                 $parsed_code .= "<li$attr_string>$start$line$end</li>$ls";
02438                 $attrs = array();
02439             }
02440         }
02441         else {
02442             // No line numbers, but still need to handle highlighting lines extra.
02443             // Have to use divs so the full width of the code is highlighted
02444             $code = explode("\n", $parsed_code);
02445             $parsed_code = '';
02446             $i = 0;
02447             foreach ($code as $line) {
02448                 // Make lines have at least one space in them if they're empty
02449                 // BenBE: Checking emptiness using trim instead of relying on blanks
02450                 if ('' == trim($line)) {
02451                     $line = '&nbsp;';
02452                 }
02453                 if (in_array(++$i, $this->highlight_extra_lines)) {
02454                     if ($this->use_classes) {
02455                         $parsed_code .= '<div class="ln-xtra">';
02456                     }
02457                     else {
02458                         $parsed_code .= "<div style=\"{$this->highlight_extra_lines_style}\">";
02459                     }
02460                     // Remove \n because it stuffs up <pre> header
02461                     $parsed_code .= $line . "</div>";
02462                 }
02463                 else {
02464                     $parsed_code .= $line . "\n";
02465                 }
02466             }
02467         }
02469         if ($this->header_type == GESHI_HEADER_PRE) {
02470             // enforce line numbers when using pre
02471             $parsed_code = str_replace('<li></li>', '<li>&nbsp;</li>', $parsed_code);
02472         }
02474         return $this->header() . chop($parsed_code) . $this->footer();
02475     }

GeSHi::footer (  ) 

Returns the footer for the code block.

string The footer for the code block
1.0.0 private

Definiert in Zeile 2558 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt $footer_content und format_footer_content().

Wird benutzt von finalise().

02558                       {
02559         $footer_content = $this->format_footer_content();
02561         if (GESHI_HEADER_NONE == $this->header_type) {
02562             return ($this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS) ? '</ol>' . $footer_content
02563                 : $footer_content;
02564         }
02566         if ($this->header_type == GESHI_HEADER_DIV) {
02567             if ($this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS) {
02568                 return "</ol>$footer_content</div>";
02569             }
02570             return ($this->force_code_block ? '</div>' : '') .
02571                 "$footer_content</div>";
02572         }
02573         else {
02574             if ($this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS) {
02575                 return "</ol>$footer_content</pre>";
02576             }
02577             return ($this->force_code_block ? '</div>' : '') .
02578                 "$footer_content</pre>";
02579         }
02580     }

GeSHi::format_footer_content (  ) 

Returns the footer content, formatted for output

string The footer content, formatted for output
1.0.2 private

Definiert in Zeile 2589 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt replace_keywords().

Wird benutzt von footer().

02589                                      {
02590         $footer = $this->footer_content;
02591         if ($footer) {
02592             if ($this->header_type == GESHI_HEADER_PRE) {
02593                 $footer = str_replace("\n", '', $footer);;
02594             }
02595             $footer = $this->replace_keywords($footer);
02597             if ($this->use_classes) {
02598                 $attr = ' class="foot"';
02599             }
02600             else {
02601                 $attr = " style=\"{$this->footer_content_style}\"";
02602             }
02603             return "<div$attr>$footer</div>";
02604         }
02605     }

GeSHi::format_header_content (  ) 

Returns the header content, formatted for output

string The header content, formatted for output
1.0.2 private

Definiert in Zeile 2533 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt replace_keywords().

Wird benutzt von header().

02533                                      {
02534         $header = $this->header_content;
02535         if ($header) {
02536             if ($this->header_type == GESHI_HEADER_PRE) {
02537                 $header = str_replace("\n", '', $header);
02538             }
02539             $header = $this->replace_keywords($header);
02541             if ($this->use_classes) {
02542                 $attr = ' class="head"';
02543             }
02544             else {
02545                 $attr = " style=\"{$this->header_content_style}\"";
02546             }
02547             return "<div$attr>$header</div>";
02548         }
02549     }

GeSHi::GeSHi ( source,
path = '' 

#@- Creates a new GeSHi object, with source and language

string The source code to highlight
string The language to highlight the source with
string The path to the language file directory. This is deprecated! I've backported the auto path detection from the 1.1.X dev branch, so now it should be automatically set correctly. If you have renamed the language directory however, you will still need to set the path using this parameter or GeSHi::set_language_path()

Definiert in Zeile 432 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt $language, $source, set_language(), set_language_path() und set_source().

00432                                                    {
00433         $this->set_source($source);
00434         $this->set_language_path($path);
00435         $this->set_language($language);
00436     }

GeSHi::get_attributes (  ) 

Gets the CSS attributes for this code

The CSS attributes for this code
1.0.0 private
Noch zu erledigen:
Document behaviour change - class is outputted regardless of whether we're using classes or not. Same with style

Definiert in Zeile 2643 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von header().

02643                               {
02644         $attributes = '';
02646         if ($this->overall_class != '') {
02647             $attributes .= " class=\"{$this->overall_class}\"";
02648         }
02649         if ($this->overall_id != '') {
02650             $attributes .= " id=\"{$this->overall_id}\"";
02651         }
02652         if ($this->overall_style != '') {
02653             $attributes .= ' style="' . $this->overall_style . '"';
02654         }
02655         return $attributes;
02656     }

GeSHi::get_language_name (  ) 

Gets a human-readable language name (thanks to Simon Patterson for the idea :))

string The name for the current language

Definiert in Zeile 467 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt error().

00467                                  {
00468         if (GESHI_ERROR_NO_SUCH_LANG == $this->error) {
00469             return $this->language_data['LANG_NAME'] . ' (Unknown Language)';
00470         }
00471         return $this->language_data['LANG_NAME'];
00472     }

GeSHi::get_language_name_from_extension ( extension,
lookup = array() 

Given a file extension, this method returns either a valid geshi language name, or the empty string if it couldn't be found

string The extension to get a language name for
array A lookup array to use instead of the default
Noch zu erledigen:
Re-think about how this method works (maybe make it private and/or make it a extension->lang lookup?)


Definiert in Zeile 1094 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von load_from_file().

01094                                                                                {
01095         if ( !$lookup ) {
01096             $lookup = array(
01097                 'actionscript' => array('as'),
01098                 'ada' => array('a', 'ada', 'adb', 'ads'),
01099                 'apache' => array('conf'),
01100                 'asm' => array('ash', 'asm'),
01101                 'asp' => array('asp'),
01102                 'bash' => array('sh'),
01103                 'c' => array('c', 'h'),
01104                 'c_mac' => array('c', 'h'),
01105                 'caddcl' => array(),
01106                 'cadlisp' => array(),
01107                 'cdfg' => array('cdfg'),
01108                 'cpp' => array('cpp', 'h', 'hpp'),
01109                 'csharp' => array(),
01110                 'css' => array('css'),
01111                 'delphi' => array('dpk', 'dpr'),
01112                 'html4strict' => array('html', 'htm'),
01113                 'java' => array('java'),
01114                 'javascript' => array('js'),
01115                 'lisp' => array('lisp'),
01116                 'lua' => array('lua'),
01117                 'mpasm' => array(),
01118                 'nsis' => array(),
01119                 'objc' => array(),
01120                 'oobas' => array(),
01121                 'oracle8' => array(),
01122                 'pascal' => array('pas'),
01123                 'perl' => array('pl', 'pm'),
01124                 'php' => array('php', 'php5', 'phtml', 'phps'),
01125                 'python' => array('py'),
01126                 'qbasic' => array('bi'),
01127                 'sas' => array('sas'),
01128                 'smarty' => array(),
01129                 'vb' => array('bas'),
01130                 'vbnet' => array(),
01131                 'visualfoxpro' => array(),
01132                 'xml' => array('xml')
01133             );
01134         }
01136         foreach ($lookup as $lang => $extensions) {
01137             foreach ($extensions as $ext) {
01138                 if ($ext == $extension) {
01139                     return $lang;
01140                 }
01141             }
01142         }
01143         return '';
01144     }

GeSHi::get_real_tab_width (  ) 

Returns the tab width to use, based on the current language and user preference

int Tab width

Definiert in Zeile 1019 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von indent().

01019                                    {
01020           if (!$this->use_language_tab_width || !isset($this->language_data['TAB_WIDTH'])) {
01021                return $this->tab_width;
01022           } else {
01023                return $this->language_data['TAB_WIDTH'];
01024           }
01025      }

GeSHi::get_stylesheet ( economy_mode = true  ) 

Returns a stylesheet for the highlighted code. If $economy mode is true, we only return the stylesheet declarations that matter for this code block instead of the whole thing

boolean Whether to use economy mode or not
string A stylesheet built on the data for the current language

Definiert in Zeile 2741 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt error().

02741                                                   {
02742         // If there's an error, chances are that the language file
02743         // won't have populated the language data file, so we can't
02744         // risk getting a stylesheet...
02745         if ($this->error) {
02746             return '';
02747         }
02748         // First, work out what the selector should be. If there's an ID,
02749         // that should be used, the same for a class. Otherwise, a selector
02750         // of '' means that these styles will be applied anywhere
02751         $selector = ($this->overall_id != '') ? "#{$this->overall_id} " : '';
02752         $selector = ($selector == '' && $this->overall_class != '') ? ".{$this->overall_class} " : $selector;
02754         // Header of the stylesheet
02755         if (!$economy_mode) {
02756             $stylesheet = "/**\n * GeSHi Dynamically Generated Stylesheet\n * --------------------------------------\n * Dynamically generated stylesheet for {$this->language}\n * CSS class: {$this->overall_class}, CSS id: {$this->overall_id}\n * GeSHi (C) 2004 - 2007 Nigel McNie (\n */\n";
02757          } else {
02758             $stylesheet = '/* GeSHi (C) 2004 - 2007 Nigel McNie ( */' . "\n";
02759         }
02761         // Set the <ol> to have no effect at all if there are line numbers
02762         // (<ol>s have margins that should be destroyed so all layout is
02763         // controlled by the set_overall_style method, which works on the
02764         // <pre> or <div> container). Additionally, set default styles for lines
02765         if (!$economy_mode || $this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS) {
02766             //$stylesheet .= "$selector, {$selector}ol, {$selector}ol li {margin: 0;}\n";
02767             $stylesheet .= "$selector.de1, $selector.de2 {{$this->code_style}}\n";
02768         }
02770         // Add overall styles
02771         if (!$economy_mode || $this->overall_style != '') {
02772             $stylesheet .= "$selector {{$this->overall_style}}\n";
02773         }
02775         // Add styles for links
02776         foreach ($this->link_styles as $key => $style) {
02777             if (!$economy_mode || $key == GESHI_LINK && $style != '') {
02778                 $stylesheet .= "{$selector}a:link {{$style}}\n";
02779             }
02780             if (!$economy_mode || $key == GESHI_HOVER && $style != '') {
02781                 $stylesheet .= "{$selector}a:hover {{$style}}\n";
02782             }
02783             if (!$economy_mode || $key == GESHI_ACTIVE && $style != '') {
02784                 $stylesheet .= "{$selector}a:active {{$style}}\n";
02785             }
02786             if (!$economy_mode || $key == GESHI_VISITED && $style != '') {
02787                 $stylesheet .= "{$selector}a:visited {{$style}}\n";
02788             }
02789         }
02791         // Header and footer
02792         if (!$economy_mode || $this->header_content_style != '') {
02793             $stylesheet .= "$selector.head {{$this->header_content_style}}\n";
02794         }
02795         if (!$economy_mode || $this->footer_content_style != '') {
02796             $stylesheet .= "$selector.foot {{$this->footer_content_style}}\n";
02797         }
02799         // Styles for important stuff
02800         if (!$economy_mode || $this->important_styles != '') {
02801             $stylesheet .= "$selector.imp {{$this->important_styles}}\n";
02802         }
02804         // Styles for lines being highlighted extra
02805         if (!$economy_mode || count($this->highlight_extra_lines)) {
02806             $stylesheet .= "$selector.ln-xtra {{$this->highlight_extra_lines_style}}\n";
02807         }
02809         // Simple line number styles
02810         if (!$economy_mode || ($this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS && $this->line_style1 != '')) {
02811             $stylesheet .= "{$selector}li {{$this->line_style1}}\n";
02812         }
02814         // If there is a style set for fancy line numbers, echo it out
02815         if (!$economy_mode || ($this->line_numbers == GESHI_FANCY_LINE_NUMBERS && $this->line_style2 != '')) {
02816             $stylesheet .= "{$selector}li.li2 {{$this->line_style2}}\n";
02817         }
02819         foreach ($this->language_data['STYLES']['KEYWORDS'] as $group => $styles) {
02820             if (!$economy_mode || !($economy_mode && (!$this->lexic_permissions['KEYWORDS'][$group] || $styles == ''))) {
02821                 $stylesheet .= "$$group {{$styles}}\n";
02822             }
02823         }
02824         foreach ($this->language_data['STYLES']['COMMENTS'] as $group => $styles) {
02825             if (!$economy_mode || !($economy_mode && $styles == '') &&
02826                 !($economy_mode && !$this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS'][$group])) {
02827                 $stylesheet .= "$$group {{$styles}}\n";
02828             }
02829         }
02830         foreach ($this->language_data['STYLES']['ESCAPE_CHAR'] as $group => $styles) {
02831             if (!$economy_mode || !($economy_mode && $styles == '') && !($economy_mode &&
02832                 !$this->lexic_permissions['ESCAPE_CHAR'])) {
02833                 $stylesheet .= "$$group {{$styles}}\n";
02834             }
02835         }
02836         foreach ($this->language_data['STYLES']['SYMBOLS'] as $group => $styles) {
02837             if (!$economy_mode || !($economy_mode && $styles == '') && !($economy_mode &&
02838                 !$this->lexic_permissions['BRACKETS'])) {
02839                 $stylesheet .= "$$group {{$styles}}\n";
02840             }
02841         }
02842         foreach ($this->language_data['STYLES']['STRINGS'] as $group => $styles) {
02843             if (!$economy_mode || !($economy_mode && $styles == '') && !($economy_mode &&
02844                 !$this->lexic_permissions['STRINGS'])) {
02845                 $stylesheet .= "$$group {{$styles}}\n";
02846             }
02847         }
02848         foreach ($this->language_data['STYLES']['NUMBERS'] as $group => $styles) {
02849             if (!$economy_mode || !($economy_mode && $styles == '') && !($economy_mode &&
02850                 !$this->lexic_permissions['NUMBERS'])) {
02851                 $stylesheet .= "$$group {{$styles}}\n";
02852             }
02853         }
02854         foreach ($this->language_data['STYLES']['METHODS'] as $group => $styles) {
02855             if (!$economy_mode || !($economy_mode && $styles == '') && !($economy_mode &&
02856                 !$this->lexic_permissions['METHODS'])) {
02857                 $stylesheet .= "$$group {{$styles}}\n";
02858             }
02859         }
02860         foreach ($this->language_data['STYLES']['SCRIPT'] as $group => $styles) {
02861             if (!$economy_mode || !($economy_mode && $styles == '')) {
02862                 $stylesheet .= "$$group {{$styles}}\n";
02863             }
02864         }
02865         foreach ($this->language_data['STYLES']['REGEXPS'] as $group => $styles) {
02866             if (!$economy_mode || !($economy_mode && $styles == '') && !($economy_mode &&
02867                 !$this->lexic_permissions['REGEXPS'][$group])) {
02868                 if (is_array($this->language_data['REGEXPS'][$group]) &&
02869                          array_key_exists(GESHI_CLASS,
02870                                     $this->language_data['REGEXPS'][$group])) {
02871                     $stylesheet .= "$selector.";
02872                     $stylesheet .= $this->language_data['REGEXPS'][$group][GESHI_CLASS];
02873                     $stylesheet .= " {{$styles}}\n";
02874                 }
02875                 else {
02876                     $stylesheet .= "$$group {{$styles}}\n";
02877                 }
02878             }
02879         }
02881         return $stylesheet;
02882     }

GeSHi::get_time (  ) 

Gets the time taken to parse the code

double The time taken to parse the code

Definiert in Zeile 2294 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von replace_keywords().

02294                         {
02295         return $this->time;
02296     }

GeSHi::header (  ) 

Creates the header for the code block (with correct attributes)

string The header for the code block
1.0.0 private

Definiert in Zeile 2484 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt format_header_content() und get_attributes().

Wird benutzt von finalise().

02484                       {
02485         // Get attributes needed
02486         $attributes = $this->get_attributes();
02488         $ol_attributes = '';
02490         if ($this->line_numbers_start != 1) {
02491             $ol_attributes .= ' start="' . $this->line_numbers_start . '"';
02492         }
02494         // Get the header HTML
02495         $header = $this->format_header_content();
02497         if (GESHI_HEADER_NONE == $this->header_type) {
02498             if ($this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS) {
02499                 return "$header<ol$ol_attributes>";
02500             }
02501             return $header .
02502                 ($this->force_code_block ? '<div>' : '');
02503         }
02505         // Work out what to return and do it
02506         if ($this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS) {
02507             if ($this->header_type == GESHI_HEADER_PRE) {
02508                 return "<pre$attributes>$header<ol$ol_attributes>";
02509             }
02510             else if ($this->header_type == GESHI_HEADER_DIV) {
02511                 return "<div$attributes>$header<ol$ol_attributes>";
02512             }
02513         }
02514         else {
02515             if ($this->header_type == GESHI_HEADER_PRE) {
02516                 return "<pre$attributes>$header"  .
02517                     ($this->force_code_block ? '<div>' : '');
02518             }
02519             else if ($this->header_type == GESHI_HEADER_DIV) {
02520                 return "<div$attributes>$header" .
02521                     ($this->force_code_block ? '<div>' : '');
02522             }
02523         }
02524     }

GeSHi::highlight_lines_extra ( lines  ) 

Specifies which lines to highlight extra

mixed An array of line numbers to highlight, or just a line number on its own.
Noch zu erledigen:
Some data replication here that could be cut down on

Definiert in Zeile 1353 der Datei geshi.php.

01353                                            {
01354         if (is_array($lines)) {
01355             foreach ($lines as $line) {
01356                 $this->highlight_extra_lines[intval($line)] = intval($line);
01357             }
01358         }
01359         else {
01360             $this->highlight_extra_lines[intval($lines)] = intval($lines);
01361         }
01362     }

GeSHi::hsc ( string,
quote_style = ENT_COMPAT 

Secure replacement for PHP built-in function htmlspecialchars().

See ticket #427 ( for the rationale for this replacement function.

The INTERFACE for this function is almost the same as that for htmlspecialchars(), with the same default for quote style; however, there is no 'charset' parameter. The reason for this is as follows:

The PHP docs say: "The third argument charset defines character set used in conversion."

I suspect PHP's htmlspecialchars() is working at the byte-value level and thus _needs_ to know (or asssume) a character set because the special characters to be replaced could exist at different code points in different character sets. (If indeed htmlspecialchars() works at byte-value level that goes some way towards explaining why the vulnerability would exist in this function, too, and not only in htmlentities() which certainly is working at byte-value level.)

This replacement function however works at character level and should therefore be "immune" to character set differences - so no charset parameter is needed or provided. If a third parameter is passed, it will be silently ignored.

In the OUTPUT there is a minor difference in that we use '&#39;' instead of PHP's '&#039;' for a single quote: this provides compatibility with get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, ENT_QUOTES) (see comment by mikiwoz at yahoo dot co dot uk on; it also matches the entity definition for XML 1.0 ( Like PHP we use a numeric character reference instead of ''' for the single quote. For the other special characters we use the named entity references, as PHP is doing.

Marjolein Katsma GNU Lesser General Public License Copyright 2007, Wikka Development Team


string $string string to be converted
integer $quote_style
  • ENT_COMPAT: escapes &, <, > and double quote (default)
  • ENT_NOQUOTES: escapes only &, < and >
  • ENT_QUOTES: escapes &, <, >, double and single quotes
string converted string

Definiert in Zeile 2710 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von add_url_to_keyword(), finalise(), parse_code() und parse_non_string_part().

02710                                                    {
02711         // init
02712         $aTransSpecchar = array(
02713             '&' => '&amp;',
02714             '"' => '&quot;',
02715             '<' => '&lt;',
02716             '>' => '&gt;'
02717             );                      // ENT_COMPAT set
02719         if (ENT_NOQUOTES == $quote_style)       // don't convert double quotes
02720         {
02721             unset($aTransSpecchar['"']);
02722         }
02723         elseif (ENT_QUOTES == $quote_style)     // convert single quotes as well
02724         {
02725             $aTransSpecchar["'"] = '&#39;'; // (apos) htmlspecialchars() uses '&#039;'
02726         }
02728         // return translated string
02729         return strtr($string,$aTransSpecchar);
02730     }

GeSHi::indent ( result  ) 

Swaps out spaces and tabs for HTML indentation. Not needed if the code is in a pre block...

string The source to indent
string The source with HTML indenting applied
1.0.0 private

Replace tabs with the correct number of spaces

Definiert in Zeile 1906 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt $tab_width und get_real_tab_width().

Wird benutzt von finalise().

01906                              {
01908         if (false !== strpos($result, "\t")) {
01909             $lines = explode("\n", $result);
01910                $tab_width = $this->get_real_tab_width();
01911             foreach ($lines as $key => $line) {
01912                 if (false === strpos($line, "\t")) {
01913                     $lines[$key] = $line;
01914                     continue;
01915                 }
01917                 $pos = 0;
01918                 $length = strlen($line);
01919                 $result_line = '';
01921                 $IN_TAG = false;
01922                 for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
01923                     $char = substr($line, $i, 1);
01924                     // Simple engine to work out whether we're in a tag.
01925                     // If we are we modify $pos. This is so we ignore HTML
01926                     // in the line and only workout the tab replacement
01927                     // via the actual content of the string
01928                     // This test could be improved to include strings in the
01929                     // html so that < or > would be allowed in user's styles
01930                     // (e.g. quotes: '<' '>'; or similar)
01931                     if ($IN_TAG && '>' == $char) {
01932                         $IN_TAG = false;
01933                         $result_line .= '>';
01934                         ++$pos;
01935                     }
01936                     else if (!$IN_TAG && '<' == $char) {
01937                         $IN_TAG = true;
01938                         $result_line .= '<';
01939                         ++$pos;
01940                     }
01941                     else if (!$IN_TAG && '&' == $char) {
01942                         $substr = substr($line, $i + 3, 4);
01943                         //$substr_5 = substr($line, 5, 1);
01944                         $posi = strpos($substr, ';');
01945                         if (false !== $posi) {
01946                             $pos += $posi + 3;
01947                         }
01948                         $result_line .= '&';
01949                     }
01950                     else if (!$IN_TAG && "\t" == $char) {
01951                         $str = '';
01952                         // OPTIMISE - move $strs out. Make an array:
01953                         // $tabs = array(
01954                         //  1 => '&nbsp;',
01955                         //  2 => '&nbsp; ',
01956                         //  3 => '&nbsp; &nbsp;' etc etc
01957                         // to use instead of building a string every time
01958                         $strs = array(0 => '&nbsp;', 1 => ' ');
01959                         for ($k = 0; $k < ($tab_width - (($i - $pos) % $tab_width)); $k++) $str .= $strs[$k % 2];
01960                         $result_line .= $str;
01961                         $pos += ($i - $pos) % $tab_width + 1;
01963                         if (false === strpos($line, "\t", $i + 1)) {
01964                             $result_line .= substr($line, $i + 1);
01965                             break;
01966                         }
01967                     }
01968                     else if ($IN_TAG) {
01969                         ++$pos;
01970                         $result_line .= $char;
01971                     }
01972                     else {
01973                         $result_line .= $char;
01974                         //++$pos;
01975                     }
01976                 }
01977                 $lines[$key] = $result_line;
01978             }
01979             $result = implode("\n", $lines);
01980         }
01981         // Other whitespace
01982         // BenBE: Fix to reduce the number of replacements to be done
01983         $result = str_replace("\n ", "\n&nbsp;", $result);
01984         $result = str_replace('  ', ' &nbsp;', $result);
01986         if ($this->line_numbers == GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS) {
01987                if ($this->line_ending === null) {
01988                     $result = nl2br($result);
01989                } else {
01990                     $result = str_replace("\n", $this->line_ending, $result);
01991                }
01992           }
01993         return $result;
01994     }

GeSHi::load_from_file ( file_name,
lookup = array() 

Given a file name, this method loads its contents in, and attempts to set the language automatically. An optional lookup table can be passed for looking up the language name. If not specified a default table is used

The language table is in the form

   'lang_name' => array('extension', 'extension', ...),
   'lang_name' ...

Noch zu erledigen:
Complete rethink of this and above method

Definiert in Zeile 1161 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt error(), get_language_name_from_extension(), set_language() und set_source().

01161                                                            {
01162         if (is_readable($file_name)) {
01163             $this->set_source(implode('', file($file_name)));
01164             $this->set_language($this->get_language_name_from_extension(substr(strrchr($file_name, '.'), 1), $lookup));
01165         }
01166         else {
01167             $this->error = GESHI_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE;
01168         }
01169     }

GeSHi::load_language ( file_name  ) 

Gets language information and stores it for later use


Noch zu erledigen:
Needs to load keys for lexic permissions for keywords, regexps etc

Definiert in Zeile 2304 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt $language_data und enable_highlighting().

Wird benutzt von set_language().

02304                                        {
02305         $this->enable_highlighting();
02306         $language_data = array();
02307         require $file_name;
02308         // Perhaps some checking might be added here later to check that
02309         // $language data is a valid thing but maybe not
02310         $this->language_data = $language_data;
02311         // Set strict mode if should be set
02312         if ($this->language_data['STRICT_MODE_APPLIES'] == GESHI_ALWAYS) {
02313             $this->strict_mode = true;
02314         }
02315         // Set permissions for all lexics to true
02316         // so they'll be highlighted by default
02317         foreach ($this->language_data['KEYWORDS'] as $key => $words) {
02318             $this->lexic_permissions['KEYWORDS'][$key] = true;
02319         }
02320         foreach ($this->language_data['COMMENT_SINGLE'] as $key => $comment) {
02321             $this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS'][$key] = true;
02322         }
02323         foreach ($this->language_data['REGEXPS'] as $key => $regexp) {
02324             $this->lexic_permissions['REGEXPS'][$key] = true;
02325         }
02326         // Set default class for CSS
02327         $this->overall_class = $this->language;
02328     }

GeSHi::parse_code (  ) 

Returns the code in $this->source, highlighted and surrounded by the nessecary HTML.

This should only be called ONCE, cos it's SLOW! If you want to highlight the same source multiple times, you're better off doing a whole lot of str_replaces to replace the <span>s


Definiert in Zeile 1439 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt change_case(), enable_important_blocks(), error(), finalise(), hsc(), parse_non_string_part() und set_time().

01439                            {
01440         // Start the timer
01441         $start_time = microtime();
01443         // Firstly, if there is an error, we won't highlight
01444         if ($this->error) {
01445             $result = GeSHi::hsc($this->source);
01446             // Timing is irrelevant
01447             $this->set_time($start_time, $start_time);
01448             return $this->finalise($result);
01449         }
01451         // Replace all newlines to a common form.
01452         $code = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->source);
01453         $code = str_replace("\r", "\n", $code);
01454         // Add spaces for regular expression matching and line numbers
01455         $code = "\n" . $code . "\n";
01457         // Initialise various stuff
01458         $length           = strlen($code);
01459         $STRING_OPEN      = '';
01460         $CLOSE_STRING     = false;
01461         $ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN = false;
01462         $COMMENT_MATCHED  = false;
01463         // Turn highlighting on if strict mode doesn't apply to this language
01464         $HIGHLIGHTING_ON  = ( !$this->strict_mode ) ? true : '';
01465         // Whether to highlight inside a block of code
01466         $HIGHLIGHT_INSIDE_STRICT = false;
01467         $HARDQUOTE_OPEN = false;
01468         $STRICTATTRS = '';
01469         $stuff_to_parse   = '';
01470         $result           = '';
01472         // "Important" selections are handled like multiline comments
01473         // @todo GET RID OF THIS SHIZ
01474         if ($this->enable_important_blocks) {
01475             $this->language_data['COMMENT_MULTI'][GESHI_START_IMPORTANT] = GESHI_END_IMPORTANT;
01476         }
01478         if ($this->strict_mode) {
01479             // Break the source into bits. Each bit will be a portion of the code
01480             // within script delimiters - for example, HTML between < and >
01481             $parts = array(0 => array(0 => ''));
01482             $k = 0;
01483             for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
01484                 $char = substr($code, $i, 1);
01485                 if (!$HIGHLIGHTING_ON) {
01486                     foreach ($this->language_data['SCRIPT_DELIMITERS'] as $key => $delimiters) {
01487                         foreach ($delimiters as $open => $close) {
01488                             // Get the next little bit for this opening string
01489                             $check = substr($code, $i, strlen($open));
01490                             // If it matches...
01491                             if ($check == $open) {
01492                                 // We start a new block with the highlightable
01493                                 // code in it
01494                                 $HIGHLIGHTING_ON = $open;
01495                                 $i += strlen($open) - 1;
01496                                 $char = $open;
01497                                 $parts[++$k][0] = $char;
01499                                 // No point going around again...
01500                                 break(2);
01501                             }
01502                         }
01503                     }
01504                 }
01505                 else {
01506                     foreach ($this->language_data['SCRIPT_DELIMITERS'] as $key => $delimiters) {
01507                         foreach ($delimiters as $open => $close) {
01508                             if ($open == $HIGHLIGHTING_ON) {
01509                                 // Found the closing tag
01510                                 break(2);
01511                             }
01512                         }
01513                     }
01514                     // We check code from our current position BACKWARDS. This is so
01515                     // the ending string for highlighting can be included in the block
01516                     $check = substr($code, $i - strlen($close) + 1, strlen($close));
01517                     if ($check == $close) {
01518                         $HIGHLIGHTING_ON = '';
01519                         // Add the string to the rest of the string for this part
01520                         $parts[$k][1] = ( isset($parts[$k][1]) ) ? $parts[$k][1] . $char : $char;
01521                         $parts[++$k][0] = '';
01522                         $char = '';
01523                     }
01524                 }
01525                 $parts[$k][1] = ( isset($parts[$k][1]) ) ? $parts[$k][1] . $char : $char;
01526             }
01527             $HIGHLIGHTING_ON = '';
01528         }
01529         else {
01530             // Not strict mode - simply dump the source into
01531             // the array at index 1 (the first highlightable block)
01532             $parts = array(
01533                 1 => array(
01534                     0 => '',
01535                     1 => $code
01536                 )
01537             );
01538         }
01540         // Now we go through each part. We know that even-indexed parts are
01541         // code that shouldn't be highlighted, and odd-indexed parts should
01542         // be highlighted
01543         foreach ($parts as $key => $data) {
01544             $part = $data[1];
01545             // If this block should be highlighted...
01546             if ($key % 2) {
01547                 if ($this->strict_mode) {
01548                     // Find the class key for this block of code
01549                     foreach ($this->language_data['SCRIPT_DELIMITERS'] as $script_key => $script_data) {
01550                         foreach ($script_data as $open => $close) {
01551                             if ($data[0] == $open) {
01552                                 break(2);
01553                             }
01554                         }
01555                     }
01557                     if ($this->language_data['STYLES']['SCRIPT'][$script_key] != '' &&
01558                         $this->lexic_permissions['SCRIPT']) {
01559                         // Add a span element around the source to
01560                         // highlight the overall source block
01561                         if (!$this->use_classes &&
01562                             $this->language_data['STYLES']['SCRIPT'][$script_key] != '') {
01563                             $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['SCRIPT'][$script_key] . '"';
01564                         }
01565                         else {
01566                             $attributes = ' class="sc' . $script_key . '"';
01567                         }
01568                         $result .= "<span$attributes>";
01569                         $STRICTATTRS = $attributes;
01570                     }
01571                 }
01573                 if (!$this->strict_mode || $this->language_data['HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK'][$script_key]) {
01574                     // Now, highlight the code in this block. This code
01575                     // is really the engine of GeSHi (along with the method
01576                     // parse_non_string_part).
01577                     $length = strlen($part);
01578                     for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
01579                         // Get the next char
01580                         $char = substr($part, $i, 1);
01581                         $hq = isset($this->language_data['HARDQUOTE']) ? $this->language_data['HARDQUOTE'][0] : false;
01582                         // Is this char the newline and line numbers being used?
01583                         if (($this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS
01584                             || count($this->highlight_extra_lines) > 0)
01585                             && $char == "\n") {
01586                             // If so, is there a string open? If there is, we should end it before
01587                             // the newline and begin it again (so when <li>s are put in the source
01588                             // remains XHTML compliant)
01589                             // note to self: This opens up possibility of config files specifying
01590                             // that languages can/cannot have multiline strings???
01591                             if ($STRING_OPEN) {
01592                                 if (!$this->use_classes) {
01593                                     $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['STRINGS'][0] . '"';
01594                                 }
01595                                 else {
01596                                     $attributes = ' class="st0"';
01597                                 }
01598                                 $char = '</span>' . $char . "<span$attributes>";
01599                             }
01600                         }
01601                         else if ($char == $STRING_OPEN) {
01602                             // A match of a string delimiter
01603                             if (($this->lexic_permissions['ESCAPE_CHAR'] && $ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN) ||
01604                                 ($this->lexic_permissions['STRINGS'] && !$ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN)) {
01605                                 $char = GeSHi::hsc($char) . '</span>';
01606                             }
01607                             $escape_me = false;
01608                             if ($HARDQUOTE_OPEN) {
01609                                 if ($ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN) {
01610                                     $escape_me = true;
01611                                 }
01612                                 else {
01613                                     foreach ($this->language_data['HARDESCAPE'] as $hardesc) {
01614                                         if (substr($part, $i, strlen($hardesc)) == $hardesc) {
01615                                             $escape_me = true;
01616                                             break;
01617                                         }
01618                                     }
01619                                 }
01620                             }
01622                             if (!$ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN) {
01623                                 $STRING_OPEN = '';
01624                                 $CLOSE_STRING = true;
01625                             }
01626                             if (!$escape_me) {
01627                                 $HARDQUOTE_OPEN = false;
01628                             }
01629                             $ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN = false;
01630                         }
01631                         else if (in_array($char, $this->language_data['QUOTEMARKS']) &&
01632                             ($STRING_OPEN == '') && $this->lexic_permissions['STRINGS']) {
01633                             // The start of a new string
01634                             $STRING_OPEN = $char;
01635                             if (!$this->use_classes) {
01636                                 $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['STRINGS'][0] . '"';
01637                             }
01638                             else {
01639                                 $attributes = ' class="st0"';
01640                             }
01641                             $char = "<span$attributes>" . GeSHi::hsc($char);
01643                             $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part( $stuff_to_parse );
01644                             $stuff_to_parse = '';
01645                         }
01646                         else if ($hq && substr($part, $i, strlen($hq)) == $hq &&
01647                             ($STRING_OPEN == '') && $this->lexic_permissions['STRINGS']) {
01648                             // The start of a hard quoted string
01649                             $STRING_OPEN = $this->language_data['HARDQUOTE'][1];
01650                             if (!$this->use_classes) {
01651                                 $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['STRINGS'][0] . '"';
01652                             }
01653                             else {
01654                                 $attributes = ' class="st0"';
01655                             }
01656                             $char = "<span$attributes>" . $hq;
01657                             $i += strlen($hq) - 1;
01658                             $HARDQUOTE_OPEN = true;
01659                             $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
01660                             $stuff_to_parse = '';
01661                         }
01662                         else if ($char == $this->language_data['ESCAPE_CHAR'] && $STRING_OPEN != '') {
01663                             // An escape character
01664                             if (!$ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN) {
01665                                 $ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN = !$HARDQUOTE_OPEN;  // true unless $HARDQUOTE_OPEN
01666                                 if ($HARDQUOTE_OPEN) {
01667                                     foreach ($this->language_data['HARDESCAPE'] as $hard) {
01668                                         if (substr($part, $i, strlen($hard)) == $hard) {
01669                                             $ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN = true;
01670                                             break;
01671                                         }
01672                                     }
01673                                 }
01674                                 if ($ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN && $this->lexic_permissions['ESCAPE_CHAR']) {
01675                                     if (!$this->use_classes) {
01676                                         $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['ESCAPE_CHAR'][0] . '"';
01677                                     }
01678                                     else {
01679                                         $attributes = ' class="es0"';
01680                                     }
01681                                     $char = "<span$attributes>" . $char;
01682                                     if (substr($code, $i + 1, 1) == "\n") {
01683                                         // escaping a newline, what's the point in putting the span around
01684                                         // the newline? It only causes hassles when inserting line numbers
01685                                         $char .= '</span>';
01686                                         $ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN = false;
01687                                     }
01688                                 }
01689                             }
01690                             else {
01691                                 $ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN = false;
01692                                 if ($this->lexic_permissions['ESCAPE_CHAR']) {
01693                                     $char .= '</span>';
01694                                 }
01695                             }
01696                         }
01697                         else if ($ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN) {
01698                             if ($this->lexic_permissions['ESCAPE_CHAR']) {
01699                                 $char .= '</span>';
01700                             }
01701                             $ESCAPE_CHAR_OPEN = false;
01702                             $test_str = $char;
01703                         }
01704                         else if ($STRING_OPEN == '') {
01705                             // Is this a multiline comment?
01706                             foreach ($this->language_data['COMMENT_MULTI'] as $open => $close) {
01707                                 $com_len = strlen($open);
01708                                 $test_str = substr( $part, $i, $com_len );
01709                                 $test_str_match = $test_str;
01710                                 if ($open == $test_str) {
01711                                     $COMMENT_MATCHED = true;
01712                                     //@todo If remove important do remove here
01713                                     if ($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS']['MULTI'] ||
01714                                         $test_str == GESHI_START_IMPORTANT) {
01715                                         if ($test_str != GESHI_START_IMPORTANT) {
01716                                             if (!$this->use_classes) {
01717                                                 $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['COMMENTS']['MULTI'] . '"';
01718                                             }
01719                                             else {
01720                                                 $attributes = ' class="coMULTI"';
01721                                             }
01722                                             $test_str = "<span$attributes>" . GeSHi::hsc($test_str);
01723                                         }
01724                                         else {
01725                                             if (!$this->use_classes) {
01726                                                 $attributes = ' style="' . $this->important_styles . '"';
01727                                             }
01728                                             else {
01729                                                 $attributes = ' class="imp"';
01730                                             }
01731                                             // We don't include the start of the comment if it's an
01732                                             // "important" part
01733                                             $test_str = "<span$attributes>";
01734                                         }
01735                                     }
01736                                     else {
01737                                         $test_str = GeSHi::hsc($test_str);
01738                                     }
01740                                     $close_pos = strpos( $part, $close, $i + strlen($close) );
01742                                     $oops = false;
01743                                     if ($close_pos === false) {
01744                                         $close_pos = strlen($part);
01745                                         $oops = true;
01746                                     }
01747                                     else {
01748                                         $close_pos -= ($com_len - strlen($close));
01749                                     }
01751                                     // Short-cut through all the multiline code
01752                                     $rest_of_comment = GeSHi::hsc(substr($part, $i + $com_len, $close_pos - $i));
01753                                     if (($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS']['MULTI'] ||
01754                                         $test_str_match == GESHI_START_IMPORTANT) &&
01755                                         ($this->line_numbers != GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS ||
01756                                         count($this->highlight_extra_lines) > 0)) {
01757                                         // strreplace to put close span and open span around multiline newlines
01758                                         $test_str .= str_replace(
01759                                             "\n", "</span>\n<span$attributes>", 
01760                                             str_replace("\n ", "\n&nbsp;", $rest_of_comment)
01761                                         );
01762                                     }
01763                                     else {
01764                                         $test_str .= $rest_of_comment;
01765                                     }
01767                                     if ($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS']['MULTI'] ||
01768                                         $test_str_match == GESHI_START_IMPORTANT) {
01769                                         $test_str .= '</span>';
01770                                         if ($oops) {
01771                                             $test_str .= "\n";
01772                                         }
01773                                     }
01774                                              $i = $close_pos + $com_len - 1;
01775                                     // parse the rest
01776                                     $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
01777                                     $stuff_to_parse = '';
01778                                     break;
01779                                 }
01780                             }
01781                             // If we haven't matched a multiline comment, try single-line comments
01782                             if (!$COMMENT_MATCHED) {
01783                                 foreach ($this->language_data['COMMENT_SINGLE'] as $comment_key => $comment_mark) {
01784                                     $com_len = strlen($comment_mark);
01785                                     $test_str = substr($part, $i, $com_len);
01786                                     if ($this->language_data['CASE_SENSITIVE'][GESHI_COMMENTS]) {
01787                                         $match = ($comment_mark == $test_str);
01788                                     }
01789                                     else {
01790                                         $match = (strtolower($comment_mark) == strtolower($test_str));
01791                                     }
01792                                     if ($match) {
01793                                         $COMMENT_MATCHED = true;
01794                                         if ($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS'][$comment_key]) {
01795                                             if (!$this->use_classes) {
01796                                                 $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['COMMENTS'][$comment_key] . '"';
01797                                             }
01798                                             else {
01799                                                 $attributes = ' class="co' . $comment_key . '"';
01800                                             }
01801                                             $test_str = "<span$attributes>" . GeSHi::hsc($this->change_case($test_str));
01802                                         }
01803                                         else {
01804                                             $test_str = GeSHi::hsc($test_str);
01805                                         }
01806                                         $close_pos = strpos($part, "\n", $i);
01807                                         $oops = false;
01808                                         if ($close_pos === false) {
01809                                             $close_pos = strlen($part);
01810                                             $oops = true;
01811                                         }
01812                                         $test_str .= GeSHi::hsc(substr($part, $i + $com_len, $close_pos - $i - $com_len));
01813                                         if ($this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS'][$comment_key]) {
01814                                             $test_str .= "</span>";
01815                                         }
01816                                         // Take into account that the comment might be the last in the source
01817                                         if (!$oops) {
01818                                           $test_str .= "\n";
01819                                         }
01820                                         $i = $close_pos;
01821                                         // parse the rest
01822                                         $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
01823                                         $stuff_to_parse = '';
01824                                         break;
01825                                     }
01826                                 }
01827                             }
01828                         }
01829                         else if ($STRING_OPEN != '') {
01830                             // Otherwise, convert it to HTML form
01831                             if (strtolower($this->encoding) == 'utf-8') {
01832                                 //only escape <128 (we don't want to break multibyte chars)
01833                                 if (ord($char) < 128) {
01834                                     $char = GeSHi::hsc($char);
01835                                 }
01836                             }
01837                             else {
01838                                 //encode everthing
01839                                 $char = GeSHi::hsc($char);
01840                             }
01841                         }
01842                         // Where are we adding this char?
01843                         if (!$COMMENT_MATCHED) {
01844                             if (($STRING_OPEN == '') && !$CLOSE_STRING) {
01845                                 $stuff_to_parse .= $char;
01846                             }
01847                             else {
01848                                 $result .= $char;
01849                                 $CLOSE_STRING = false;
01850                             }
01851                         }
01852                         else {
01853                             $result .= $test_str;
01854                             $COMMENT_MATCHED = false;
01855                         }
01856                     }
01857                     // Parse the last bit
01858                     $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
01859                     $stuff_to_parse = '';
01860                 }
01861                 else {
01862                     if ($STRICTATTRS != '') {
01863                         $part = str_replace("\n", "</span>\n<span$STRICTATTRS>", GeSHi::hsc($part));
01864                         $STRICTATTRS = '';
01865                     }
01866                     $result .= $part;
01867                 }
01868                 // Close the <span> that surrounds the block
01869                 if ($this->strict_mode && $this->language_data['STYLES']['SCRIPT'][$script_key] != '' &&
01870                     $this->lexic_permissions['SCRIPT']) {
01871                     $result .= '</span>';
01872                 }
01873             }
01874             else {
01875                 // Else not a block to highlight
01876                 $result .= GeSHi::hsc($part);
01877             }
01878         }
01880         // Parse the last stuff (redundant?)
01881         $result .= $this->parse_non_string_part($stuff_to_parse);
01883         // Lop off the very first and last spaces
01884         $result = substr($result, 1, -1);
01886         // Are we still in a string?
01887         if ($STRING_OPEN) {
01888             $result .= '</span>';
01889         }
01891         // We're finished: stop timing
01892         $this->set_time($start_time, microtime());
01894         return $this->finalise($result);
01895     }

GeSHi::parse_non_string_part ( &$  stuff_to_parse  ) 

Takes a string that has no strings or comments in it, and highlights stuff like keywords, numbers and methods.

string The string to parse for keyword, numbers etc.
1.0.0 private
Noch zu erledigen:
BUGGY! Why? Why not build string and return?

Definiert in Zeile 2075 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt hsc().

Wird benutzt von parse_code().

02075                                                      {
02076         $stuff_to_parse = ' ' . GeSHi::hsc($stuff_to_parse);
02077         $stuff_to_parse_pregquote = preg_quote($stuff_to_parse, '/');
02078         $func = '$this->change_case';
02079         $func2 = '$this->add_url_to_keyword';
02081         //
02082         // Regular expressions
02083         //
02084         foreach ($this->language_data['REGEXPS'] as $key => $regexp) {
02085             if ($this->lexic_permissions['REGEXPS'][$key]) {
02086                 if (is_array($regexp)) {
02087                     $stuff_to_parse = preg_replace(
02088                         "/" .
02089                         str_replace('/', '\/', $regexp[GESHI_SEARCH]) .
02090                         "/{$regexp[GESHI_MODIFIERS]}",
02091                         "{$regexp[GESHI_BEFORE]}<|!REG3XP$key!>{$regexp[GESHI_REPLACE]}|>{$regexp[GESHI_AFTER]}",
02092                         $stuff_to_parse
02093                     );
02094                 }
02095                 else {
02096                     $stuff_to_parse = preg_replace( "/(" . str_replace('/', '\/', $regexp) . ")/", "<|!REG3XP$key!>\\1|>", $stuff_to_parse);
02097                 }
02098             }
02099         }
02101         //
02102         // Highlight numbers. This regexp sucks... anyone with a regexp that WORKS
02103         // here wins a cookie if they send it to me. At the moment there's two doing
02104         // almost exactly the same thing, except the second one prevents a number
02105         // being highlighted twice (eg <span...><span...>5</span></span>)
02106         // Put /NUM!/ in for the styles, which gets replaced at the end.
02107         //
02108         // NEW ONE: Brice Bernard
02109         //
02110         if ($this->lexic_permissions['NUMBERS'] && preg_match('#[0-9]#', $stuff_to_parse )) {
02111             $stuff_to_parse = preg_replace('/([-+]?\\b(?:[0-9]*\\.)?[0-9]+\\b)/', '<|/NUM!/>\\1|>', $stuff_to_parse);
02112         }
02114         // Highlight keywords
02115         // if there is a couple of alpha symbols there *might* be a keyword
02116         if (preg_match('#[a-zA-Z]{2,}#', $stuff_to_parse)) {
02117             foreach ($this->language_data['KEYWORDS'] as $k => $keywordset) {
02118                 if ($this->lexic_permissions['KEYWORDS'][$k]) {
02119                     foreach ($keywordset as $keyword) {
02120                         $keyword = preg_quote($keyword, '/');
02121                         //
02122                         // This replacement checks the word is on it's own (except if brackets etc
02123                         // are next to it), then highlights it. We don't put the color=" for the span
02124                         // in just yet - otherwise languages with the keywords "color" or "or" have
02125                         // a fit.
02126                         //
02127                         if (false !== stristr($stuff_to_parse_pregquote, $keyword )) {
02128                             $stuff_to_parse .= ' ';
02129                             // Might make a more unique string for putting the number in soon
02130                             // Basically, we don't put the styles in yet because then the styles themselves will
02131                             // get highlighted if the language has a CSS keyword in it (like CSS, for example ;))
02132                             $styles = "/$k/";
02133                             if ($this->language_data['CASE_SENSITIVE'][$k]) {
02134                                 $stuff_to_parse = preg_replace(
02135                                     "/([^a-zA-Z0-9\$_\|\#;>|^])($keyword)(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9_<\|%\-&])/e",
02136                                     "'\\1' . $func2('\\2', '$k', 'BEGIN') . '<|$styles>' . $func('\\2') . '|>' . $func2('\\2', '$k', 'END')",
02137                                     $stuff_to_parse
02138                                 );
02139                             }
02140                             else {
02141                                 // Change the case of the word.
02142                                 // hackage again... must... release... 1.2...
02143                                 if ('smarty' == $this->language) { $hackage = '\/'; } else { $hackage = ''; }
02144                                 $stuff_to_parse = preg_replace(
02145                                     "/([^a-zA-Z0-9\$_\|\#;>$hackage|^])($keyword)(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9_<\|%\-&])/ie",
02146                                     "'\\1' . $func2('\\2', '$k', 'BEGIN') . '<|$styles>' . $func('\\2') . '|>' . $func2('\\2', '$k', 'END')",
02147                                     $stuff_to_parse
02148                                 );
02149                             }
02150                             $stuff_to_parse = substr($stuff_to_parse, 0, strlen($stuff_to_parse) - 1);
02151                         }
02152                     }
02153                 }
02154             }
02155         }
02157         //
02158         // Now that's all done, replace /[number]/ with the correct styles
02159         //
02160         foreach ($this->language_data['KEYWORDS'] as $k => $kws) {
02161             if (!$this->use_classes) {
02162                 $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['KEYWORDS'][$k] . '"';
02163             }
02164             else {
02165                 $attributes = ' class="kw' . $k . '"';
02166             }
02167             $stuff_to_parse = str_replace("/$k/", $attributes, $stuff_to_parse);
02168         }
02170         // Put number styles in
02171         if (!$this->use_classes && $this->lexic_permissions['NUMBERS']) {
02172             $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['NUMBERS'][0] . '"';
02173         }
02174         else {
02175             $attributes = ' class="nu0"';
02176         }
02177         $stuff_to_parse = str_replace('/NUM!/', $attributes, $stuff_to_parse);
02179         //
02180         // Highlight methods and fields in objects
02181         //
02182         if ($this->lexic_permissions['METHODS'] && $this->language_data['OOLANG']) {
02183             foreach ($this->language_data['OBJECT_SPLITTERS'] as $key => $splitter) {
02184                 if (false !== stristr($stuff_to_parse, $splitter)) {
02185                     if (!$this->use_classes) {
02186                         $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['METHODS'][$key] . '"';
02187                     }
02188                     else {
02189                         $attributes = ' class="me' . $key . '"';
02190                     }
02191                     $stuff_to_parse = preg_replace("/(" . preg_quote($this->language_data['OBJECT_SPLITTERS'][$key], 1) . "[\s]*)([a-zA-Z\*\(][a-zA-Z0-9_\*]*)/", "\\1<|$attributes>\\2|>", $stuff_to_parse);
02192                 }
02193             }
02194         }
02196         //
02197         // Highlight brackets. Yes, I've tried adding a semi-colon to this list.
02198         // You try it, and see what happens ;)
02199         // TODO: Fix lexic permissions not converting entities if shouldn't
02200         // be highlighting regardless
02201         //
02202         if ($this->lexic_permissions['BRACKETS']) {
02203             $code_entities_match = array('[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}');
02204             if (!$this->use_classes) {
02205                 $code_entities_replace = array(
02206                     '<| style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['BRACKETS'][0] . '">&#91;|>',
02207                     '<| style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['BRACKETS'][0] . '">&#93;|>',
02208                     '<| style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['BRACKETS'][0] . '">&#40;|>',
02209                     '<| style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['BRACKETS'][0] . '">&#41;|>',
02210                     '<| style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['BRACKETS'][0] . '">&#123;|>',
02211                     '<| style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['BRACKETS'][0] . '">&#125;|>',
02212                 );
02213             }
02214             else {
02215                 $code_entities_replace = array(
02216                     '<| class="br0">&#91;|>',
02217                     '<| class="br0">&#93;|>',
02218                     '<| class="br0">&#40;|>',
02219                     '<| class="br0">&#41;|>',
02220                     '<| class="br0">&#123;|>',
02221                     '<| class="br0">&#125;|>',
02222                 );
02223             }
02224             $stuff_to_parse = str_replace( $code_entities_match,  $code_entities_replace, $stuff_to_parse );
02225         }
02227         //
02228         // Add class/style for regexps
02229         //
02230         foreach ($this->language_data['REGEXPS'] as $key => $regexp) {
02231             if ($this->lexic_permissions['REGEXPS'][$key]) {
02232                 if (!$this->use_classes) {
02233                     $attributes = ' style="' . $this->language_data['STYLES']['REGEXPS'][$key] . '"';
02234                 }
02235                 else {
02236                    if(is_array($this->language_data['REGEXPS'][$key]) &&
02237                             array_key_exists(GESHI_CLASS, $this->language_data['REGEXPS'][$key])) {
02238                         $attributes = ' class="'
02239                             . $this->language_data['REGEXPS'][$key][GESHI_CLASS] . '"';
02240                     }
02241                    else {
02242                        $attributes = ' class="re' . $key . '"';
02243                     }
02244                 }
02245                 $stuff_to_parse = str_replace("!REG3XP$key!", "$attributes", $stuff_to_parse);
02246             }
02247         }
02249         // Replace <DOT> with . for urls
02250         $stuff_to_parse = str_replace('<DOT>', '.', $stuff_to_parse);
02251         // Replace <|UR1| with <a href= for urls also
02252         if (isset($this->link_styles[GESHI_LINK])) {
02253             if ($this->use_classes) {
02254                 $stuff_to_parse = str_replace('<|UR1|', '<a' . $this->link_target . ' href=', $stuff_to_parse);
02255             }
02256             else {
02257                 $stuff_to_parse = str_replace('<|UR1|', '<a' . $this->link_target . ' style="' . $this->link_styles[GESHI_LINK] . '" href=', $stuff_to_parse);
02258             }
02259         }
02260         else {
02261             $stuff_to_parse = str_replace('<|UR1|', '<a' . $this->link_target . ' href=', $stuff_to_parse);
02262         }
02264         //
02265         // NOW we add the span thingy ;)
02266         //
02268         $stuff_to_parse = str_replace('<|', '<span', $stuff_to_parse);
02269         $stuff_to_parse = str_replace ( '|>', '</span>', $stuff_to_parse );
02271         return substr($stuff_to_parse, 1);
02272     }

GeSHi::remove_keyword ( key,

Removes a keyword from a keyword group

int The key of the keyword group to remove the keyword from
string The word to remove from the keyword group

Definiert in Zeile 1189 der Datei geshi.php.

01189                                          {
01190         $this->language_data['KEYWORDS'][$key] =
01191             array_diff($this->language_data['KEYWORDS'][$key], array($word));
01192     }

GeSHi::remove_keyword_group ( key  ) 

Removes a keyword group

int The key of the keyword group to remove

Definiert in Zeile 1217 der Datei geshi.php.

01217                                          {
01218         unset($this->language_data['KEYWORDS'][$key]);
01219         unset($this->lexic_permissions['KEYWORDS'][$key]);
01220         unset($this->language_data['CASE_SENSITIVE'][$key]);
01221         unset($this->language_data['STYLES']['KEYWORDS'][$key]);
01222     }

GeSHi::replace_keywords ( instr  ) 

Replaces certain keywords in the header and footer with certain configuration values

string The header or footer content to do replacement on
string The header or footer with replaced keywords
1.0.2 private

Definiert in Zeile 2616 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt get_time().

Wird benutzt von format_footer_content() und format_header_content().

02616                                       {
02617         $keywords = $replacements = array();
02619         $keywords[] = '<TIME>';
02620         $keywords[] = '{TIME}';
02621         $replacements[] = $replacements[] = number_format($this->get_time(), 3);
02623         $keywords[] = '<LANGUAGE>';
02624         $keywords[] = '{LANGUAGE}';
02625         $replacements[] = $replacements[] = $this->language;
02627         $keywords[] = '<VERSION>';
02628         $keywords[] = '{VERSION}';
02629         $replacements[] = $replacements[] = GESHI_VERSION;
02631         return str_replace($keywords, $replacements, $instr);
02632     }

GeSHi::set_brackets_highlighting ( flag  ) 

Turns highlighting on/off for brackets

This method is DEPRECATED: use set_symbols_highlighting instead. This method will be remove in 1.2.X

boolean Whether to turn highlighting for brackets on or off
In favour of set_symbols_highlighting

Definiert in Zeile 804 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von set_symbols_highlighting().

00804                                               {
00805         $this->lexic_permissions['BRACKETS'] = ($flag) ? true : false;
00806     }

GeSHi::set_brackets_style ( style,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the styles for brackets. If $preserve_defaults is true, then styles are merged with the default styles, with the user defined styles having priority

This method is DEPRECATED: use set_symbols_style instead. This method will be removed in 1.2.X

string The style to make the brackets
boolean Whether to merge the new styles with the old or just to overwrite them
In favour of set_symbols_style

Definiert in Zeile 785 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von set_symbols_style().

00785                                                                     {
00786         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00787             $this->language_data['STYLES']['BRACKETS'][0] = $style;
00788         }
00789         else {
00790             $this->language_data['STYLES']['BRACKETS'][0] .= $style;
00791         }
00792     }

GeSHi::set_case_keywords ( case  ) 

Sets the case that keywords should use when found. Use the constants:

  • GESHI_CAPS_NO_CHANGE: leave keywords as-is
  • GESHI_CAPS_UPPER: convert all keywords to uppercase where found
  • GESHI_CAPS_LOWER: convert all keywords to lowercase where found

int A constant specifying what to do with matched keywords
Noch zu erledigen:
Error check the passed value

Definiert in Zeile 983 der Datei geshi.php.

00983                                       {
00984         $this->language_data['CASE_KEYWORDS'] = $case;
00985     }

GeSHi::set_case_sensitivity ( key,

Sets whether a set of keywords are checked for in a case sensitive manner

int The key of the keyword group to change the case sensitivity of
boolean Whether to check in a case sensitive manner or not

Definiert in Zeile 968 der Datei geshi.php.

00968                                                {
00969         $this->language_data['CASE_SENSITIVE'][$key] = ($case) ? true : false;
00970     }

GeSHi::set_code_style ( style,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the style for the actual code. This should be a string containing valid stylesheet declarations. If $preserve_defaults is true, then styles are merged with the default styles, with the user defined styles having priority

Note: Use this method to override any style changes you made to the line numbers if you are using line numbers, else the line of code will have the same style as the line number! Consult the GeSHi documentation for more information about this.

string The style to use for actual code
boolean Whether to merge the current styles with the new styles

Definiert in Zeile 618 der Datei geshi.php.

00618                                                                 {
00619         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00620             $this->code_style = $style;
00621         }
00622         else {
00623             $this->code_style .= $style;
00624         }
00625     }

GeSHi::set_comments_highlighting ( key,
flag = true 

Turns highlighting on/off for comment groups

int The key of the comment group to turn on or off
boolean Whether to turn highlighting for that group on or off

Definiert in Zeile 738 der Datei geshi.php.

00738                                                            {
00739         $this->lexic_permissions['COMMENTS'][$key] = ($flag) ? true : false;
00740     }

GeSHi::set_comments_style ( key,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the styles for comment groups. If $preserve_defaults is true, then styles are merged with the default styles, with the user defined styles having priority

int The key of the comment group to change the styles of
string The style to make the comments
boolean Whether to merge the new styles with the old or just to overwrite them

Definiert in Zeile 722 der Datei geshi.php.

00722                                                                           {
00723         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00724             $this->language_data['STYLES']['COMMENTS'][$key] = $style;
00725         }
00726         else {
00727             $this->language_data['STYLES']['COMMENTS'][$key] .= $style;
00728         }
00729     }

GeSHi::set_encoding ( encoding  ) 

Sets the encoding used for htmlspecialchars(), for international support.

NOTE: This is not needed for now because htmlspecialchars() is not being used (it has a security hole in PHP4 that has not been patched). Maybe in a future version it may make a return for speed reasons, but I doubt it.

string The encoding to use for the source

Definiert in Zeile 1414 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt $encoding.

01414                                      {
01415         if ($encoding) {
01416           $this->encoding = $encoding;
01417         }
01418     }

GeSHi::set_escape_characters_highlighting ( flag = true  ) 

Turns highlighting on/off for escaped characters

boolean Whether to turn highlighting for escape characters on or off

Definiert in Zeile 767 der Datei geshi.php.

00767                                                               {
00768         $this->lexic_permissions['ESCAPE_CHAR'] = ($flag) ? true : false;
00769     }

GeSHi::set_escape_characters_style ( style,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the styles for escaped characters. If $preserve_defaults is true, then styles are merged with the default styles, with the user defined styles having priority

string The style to make the escape characters
boolean Whether to merge the new styles with the old or just to overwrite them

Definiert in Zeile 752 der Datei geshi.php.

00752                                                                              {
00753         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00754             $this->language_data['STYLES']['ESCAPE_CHAR'][0] = $style;
00755         }
00756         else {
00757             $this->language_data['STYLES']['ESCAPE_CHAR'][0] .= $style;
00758         }
00759     }

GeSHi::set_footer_content ( content  ) 

Sets the content of the footer block

string The content of the footer block

Definiert in Zeile 1240 der Datei geshi.php.

01240                                           {
01241         $this->footer_content = $content;
01242     }

GeSHi::set_footer_content_style ( style  ) 

Sets the style for the footer content

string The style for the footer content

Definiert in Zeile 1260 der Datei geshi.php.

01260                                               {
01261         $this->footer_content_style = $style;
01262     }

GeSHi::set_header_content ( content  ) 

Sets the content of the header block

string The content of the header block

Definiert in Zeile 1230 der Datei geshi.php.

01230                                           {
01231         $this->header_content = $content;
01232     }

GeSHi::set_header_content_style ( style  ) 

Sets the style for the header content

string The style for the header content

Definiert in Zeile 1250 der Datei geshi.php.

01250                                               {
01251         $this->header_content_style = $style;
01252     }

GeSHi::set_header_type ( type  ) 

Sets the type of header to be used.

If GESHI_HEADER_DIV is used, the code is surrounded in a "div".This means more source code but more control over tab width and line-wrapping. GESHI_HEADER_PRE means that a "pre" is used - less source, but less control. Default is GESHI_HEADER_PRE.

From, you can use GESHI_HEADER_NONE to specify that no header code should be outputted.

int The type of header to be used

Definiert in Zeile 540 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt error().

00540                                     {
00541         if (GESHI_HEADER_DIV != $type && GESHI_HEADER_PRE != $type && GESHI_HEADER_NONE != $type) {
00542             $this->error = GESHI_ERROR_INVALID_HEADER_TYPE;
00543             return;
00544         }
00545         $this->header_type = $type;
00546         // Set a default overall style if the header is a <div>
00547         if (GESHI_HEADER_DIV == $type && !$this->overall_style) {
00548             $this->overall_style = 'font-family: monospace;';
00549         }
00550     }

GeSHi::set_highlight_lines_extra_style ( styles  ) 

Sets the style for extra-highlighted lines

string The style for extra-highlighted lines

Definiert in Zeile 1370 der Datei geshi.php.

01370                                                       {
01371         $this->highlight_extra_lines_style = $styles;
01372     }

GeSHi::set_important_styles ( styles  ) 

Sets styles for important parts of the code

string The styles to use on important parts of the code

Definiert in Zeile 1321 der Datei geshi.php.

01321                                            {
01322         $this->important_styles = $styles;
01323     }

GeSHi::set_keyword_group_highlighting ( key,
flag = true 

Turns highlighting on/off for a keyword group

int The key of the keyword group to turn on or off
boolean Whether to turn highlighting for that group on or off

Definiert in Zeile 707 der Datei geshi.php.

00707                                                                 {
00708         $this->lexic_permissions['KEYWORDS'][$key] = ($flag) ? true : false;
00709     }

GeSHi::set_keyword_group_style ( key,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the style for a keyword group. If $preserve_defaults is true, then styles are merged with the default styles, with the user defined styles having priority

int The key of the keyword group to change the styles of
string The style to make the keywords
boolean Whether to merge the new styles with the old or just to overwrite them

Definiert in Zeile 691 der Datei geshi.php.

00691                                                                                {
00692         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00693             $this->language_data['STYLES']['KEYWORDS'][$key] = $style;
00694         }
00695         else {
00696             $this->language_data['STYLES']['KEYWORDS'][$key] .= $style;
00697         }
00698     }

GeSHi::set_language ( language  ) 

Sets the language for this object

string The name of the language to use

Definiert in Zeile 491 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt $language, error() und load_language().

Wird benutzt von GeSHi(), load_from_file() und set_language_path().

00491                                      {
00492         $this->error = false;
00493         $this->strict_mode = GESHI_NEVER;
00495         $language = preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]#', '', $language);
00496         $this->language = strtolower($language);
00498         $file_name = $this->language_path . $this->language . '.php';
00499         if (!is_readable($file_name)) {
00500             $this->error = GESHI_ERROR_NO_SUCH_LANG;
00501             return;
00502         }
00503         // Load the language for parsing
00504         $this->load_language($file_name);
00505     }

GeSHi::set_language_path ( path  ) 

Sets the path to the directory containing the language files. Note that this path is relative to the directory of the script that included geshi.php, NOT geshi.php itself.

string The path to the language directory
The path to the language files should now be automatically detected, so this method should no longer be needed. The 1.1.X branch handles manual setting of the path differently so this method will disappear in 1.2.0.

Definiert in Zeile 519 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt set_language().

Wird benutzt von GeSHi().

00519                                       {
00520         if ($path) {
00521             $this->language_path = ('/' == substr($path, strlen($path) - 1, 1)) ? $path : $path . '/';
00522             $this->set_language($this->language);        // otherwise set_language_path has no effect
00523         }
00524     }

GeSHi::set_line_ending ( line_ending  ) 

Sets the line-ending

string The new line-ending

Definiert in Zeile 1379 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt $line_ending.

01379                                             {
01380           $this->line_ending = (string)$line_ending;
01381      }

GeSHi::set_line_style ( style1,
style2 = '',
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the styles for the line numbers.

string The style for the line numbers that are "normal"
string|boolean If a string, this is the style of the line numbers that are "fancy", otherwise if boolean then this defines whether the normal styles should be merged with the new normal styles or not
boolean If set, is the flag for whether to merge the "fancy" styles with the current styles or not

Definiert in Zeile 639 der Datei geshi.php.

00639                                                                                {
00640         if (is_bool($style2)) {
00641             $preserve_defaults = $style2;
00642             $style2 = '';
00643         }
00644         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00645             $this->line_style1 = $style1;
00646             $this->line_style2 = $style2;
00647         }
00648         else {
00649             $this->line_style1 .= $style1;
00650             $this->line_style2 .= $style2;
00651         }
00652     }

GeSHi::set_link_styles ( type,

Sets styles for links in code

int A constant that specifies what state the style is being set for - e.g. :hover or :visited
string The styles to use for that state

Definiert in Zeile 1296 der Datei geshi.php.

01296                                              {
01297         $this->link_styles[$type] = $styles;
01298     }

GeSHi::set_link_target ( target  ) 

Sets the target for links in code

string The target for links in the code, e.g. _blank

Definiert in Zeile 1306 der Datei geshi.php.

01306                                       {
01307         if (!$target) {
01308             $this->link_target = '';
01309         }
01310         else {
01311             $this->link_target = ' target="' . $target . '" ';
01312         }
01313     }

GeSHi::set_methods_highlighting ( flag  ) 

Turns highlighting on/off for methods

boolean Whether to turn highlighting for methods on or off

Definiert in Zeile 927 der Datei geshi.php.

00927                                              {
00928         $this->lexic_permissions['METHODS'] = ($flag) ? true : false;
00929     }

GeSHi::set_methods_style ( key,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the styles for methods. $key is a number that references the appropriate "object splitter" - see the language file for the language you are highlighting to get this number. If $preserve_defaults is true, then styles are merged with the default styles, with the user defined styles having priority

int The key of the object splitter to change the styles of
string The style to make the methods
boolean Whether to merge the new styles with the old or just to overwrite them

Definiert in Zeile 912 der Datei geshi.php.

00912                                                                          {
00913         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00914             $this->language_data['STYLES']['METHODS'][$key] = $style;
00915         }
00916         else {
00917             $this->language_data['STYLES']['METHODS'][$key] .= $style;
00918         }
00919     }

GeSHi::set_numbers_highlighting ( flag  ) 

Turns highlighting on/off for numbers

boolean Whether to turn highlighting for numbers on or off

Definiert in Zeile 895 der Datei geshi.php.

00895                                              {
00896         $this->lexic_permissions['NUMBERS'] = ($flag) ? true : false;
00897     }

GeSHi::set_numbers_style ( style,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the styles for numbers. If $preserve_defaults is true, then styles are merged with the default styles, with the user defined styles having priority

string The style to make the numbers
boolean Whether to merge the new styles with the old or just to overwrite them

Definiert in Zeile 880 der Datei geshi.php.

00880                                                                    {
00881         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00882             $this->language_data['STYLES']['NUMBERS'][0] = $style;
00883         }
00884         else {
00885             $this->language_data['STYLES']['NUMBERS'][0] .= $style;
00886         }
00887     }

GeSHi::set_overall_class ( class  ) 

Sets the overall classname for this block of code. This class can then be used in a stylesheet to style this object's output

string The class name to use for this block of code

Definiert in Zeile 578 der Datei geshi.php.

00578                                        {
00579         $this->overall_class = $class;
00580     }

GeSHi::set_overall_id ( id  ) 

Sets the overall id for this block of code. This id can then be used in a stylesheet to style this object's output

string The ID to use for this block of code

Definiert in Zeile 589 der Datei geshi.php.

00589                                  {
00590         $this->overall_id = $id;
00591     }

GeSHi::set_overall_style ( style,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the styles for the code that will be outputted when this object is parsed. The style should be a string of valid stylesheet declarations

string The overall style for the outputted code block
boolean Whether to merge the styles with the current styles or not

Definiert in Zeile 561 der Datei geshi.php.

00561                                                                    {
00562         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00563             $this->overall_style = $style;
00564         }
00565         else {
00566             $this->overall_style .= $style;
00567         }
00568     }

GeSHi::set_regexps_highlighting ( key,

Turns highlighting on/off for regexps

int The key of the regular expression group to turn on or off
boolean Whether to turn highlighting for the regular expression group on or off

Definiert in Zeile 957 der Datei geshi.php.

00957                                                    {
00958         $this->lexic_permissions['REGEXPS'][$key] = ($flag) ? true : false;
00959     }

GeSHi::set_regexps_style ( key,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the styles for regexps. If $preserve_defaults is true, then styles are merged with the default styles, with the user defined styles having priority

string The style to make the regular expression matches
boolean Whether to merge the new styles with the old or just to overwrite them

Definiert in Zeile 941 der Datei geshi.php.

00941                                                                          {
00942         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00943             $this->language_data['STYLES']['REGEXPS'][$key] = $style;
00944         }
00945         else {
00946             $this->language_data['STYLES']['REGEXPS'][$key] .= $style;
00947         }
00948     }

GeSHi::set_source ( source  ) 

Sets the source code for this object

string The source code to highlight

Definiert in Zeile 480 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt $source.

Wird benutzt von GeSHi() und load_from_file().

00480                                  {
00481         $this->source = $source;
00482         $this->highlight_extra_lines = array();
00483     }

GeSHi::set_strings_highlighting ( flag  ) 

Turns highlighting on/off for strings

boolean Whether to turn highlighting for strings on or off

Definiert in Zeile 866 der Datei geshi.php.

00866                                              {
00867         $this->lexic_permissions['STRINGS'] = ($flag) ? true : false;
00868     }

GeSHi::set_strings_style ( style,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the styles for strings. If $preserve_defaults is true, then styles are merged with the default styles, with the user defined styles having priority

string The style to make the escape characters
boolean Whether to merge the new styles with the old or just to overwrite them

Definiert in Zeile 851 der Datei geshi.php.

00851                                                                    {
00852         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00853             $this->language_data['STYLES']['STRINGS'][0] = $style;
00854         }
00855         else {
00856             $this->language_data['STYLES']['STRINGS'][0] .= $style;
00857         }
00858     }

GeSHi::set_symbols_highlighting ( flag  ) 

Turns highlighting on/off for symbols

boolean Whether to turn highlighting for symbols on or off

Definiert in Zeile 835 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt set_brackets_highlighting().

00835                                              {
00836         $this->lexic_permissions['SYMBOLS'] = ($flag) ? true : false;
00837         // For backward compatibility
00838         $this->set_brackets_highlighting ($flag);
00839     }

GeSHi::set_symbols_style ( style,
preserve_defaults = false 

Sets the styles for symbols. If $preserve_defaults is true, then styles are merged with the default styles, with the user defined styles having priority

string The style to make the symbols
boolean Whether to merge the new styles with the old or just to overwrite them

Definiert in Zeile 818 der Datei geshi.php.

Benutzt set_brackets_style().

00818                                                                    {
00819         if (!$preserve_defaults) {
00820             $this->language_data['STYLES']['SYMBOLS'][0] = $style;
00821         }
00822         else {
00823             $this->language_data['STYLES']['SYMBOLS'][0] .= $style;
00824         }
00825         // For backward compatibility
00826         $this->set_brackets_style ($style, $preserve_defaults);
00827     }

GeSHi::set_tab_width ( width  ) 

Sets how many spaces a tab is substituted for

Widths below zero are ignored

int The tab width

Definiert in Zeile 995 der Datei geshi.php.

00995                                    {
00996         $this->tab_width = intval($width);
00997         //Check if it fit's the constraints:
00998         if($this->tab_width < 1) {
00999             //Return it to the default
01000             $this->tab_width = 8;
01001         }
01002     }

GeSHi::set_time ( start_time,

Sets the time taken to parse the code

microtime The time when parsing started
microtime The time when parsing ended
1.0.2 private

Definiert in Zeile 2282 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von parse_code().

02282                                               {
02283         $start = explode(' ', $start_time);
02284         $end = explode(' ', $end_time);
02285         $this->time = $end[0] + $end[1] - $start[0] - $start[1];
02286     }

GeSHi::set_url_for_keyword_group ( group,

Sets the base URL to be used for keywords

int The key of the keyword group to set the URL for
string The URL to set for the group. If {FNAME} is in the url somewhere, it is replaced by the keyword that the URL is being made for

Definiert in Zeile 1284 der Datei geshi.php.

01284                                                      {
01285         $this->language_data['URLS'][$group] = $url;
01286     }

GeSHi::set_use_language_tab_width ( use  ) 

Sets whether or not to use tab-stop width specifed by language

boolean Whether to use language-specific tab-stop widths

Definiert in Zeile 1009 der Datei geshi.php.

01009                                                {
01010           $this->use_language_tab_width = (bool) $use;
01011      }

GeSHi::start_line_numbers_at ( number  ) 

Sets what number line numbers should start at. Should be a positive integer, and will be converted to one.

Warning: Using this method will add the "start" attribute to the <ol> that is used for line numbering. This is not valid XHTML strict, so if that's what you care about then don't use this method. Firefox is getting support for the CSS method of doing this in 1.1 and Opera has support for the CSS method, but (of course) IE doesn't so it's not worth doing it the CSS way yet.

int The number to start line numbers at

Definiert in Zeile 1398 der Datei geshi.php.

01398                                             {
01399         $this->line_numbers_start = abs(intval($number));
01400     }

Dokumentation der Datenelemente

GeSHi::$add_ids = false

Definiert in Zeile 309 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$code_style = 'font-family: \'Courier New\', Courier, monospace; font-weight: normal;'

Definiert in Zeile 347 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$enable_important_blocks = false

Definiert in Zeile 294 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'

Definiert in Zeile 408 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von set_encoding().

GeSHi::$error = false

Definiert in Zeile 191 der Datei geshi.php.



        GESHI_ERROR_NO_SUCH_LANG => 'GeSHi could not find the language {LANGUAGE} (using path {PATH})',
        GESHI_ERROR_FILE_NOT_READABLE => 'The file specified for load_from_file was not readable',
        GESHI_ERROR_INVALID_HEADER_TYPE => 'The header type specified is invalid',
        GESHI_ERROR_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER_TYPE => 'The line number type specified is invalid'

Definiert in Zeile 197 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$footer_content = ''

Definiert in Zeile 261 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von footer().

GeSHi::$footer_content_style = ''

Definiert in Zeile 273 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$force_code_block = false

Definiert in Zeile 280 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$header_content = ''

Definiert in Zeile 255 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$header_content_style = ''

Definiert in Zeile 267 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$header_type = GESHI_HEADER_PRE

Definiert in Zeile 226 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$highlight_extra_lines = array()

Definiert in Zeile 315 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$highlight_extra_lines_style = 'color: #cc0; background-color: #ffc;'

Definiert in Zeile 321 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$important_styles = 'font-weight: bold; color: red;'

Definiert in Zeile 303 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$keyword_links = true

Definiert in Zeile 414 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$language = ''

Definiert in Zeile 172 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von GeSHi() und set_language().

GeSHi::$language_data = array()

Definiert in Zeile 178 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von load_language().

GeSHi::$language_path = GESHI_LANG_ROOT

Definiert in Zeile 184 der Datei geshi.php.



        'KEYWORDS' =>    array(),
        'COMMENTS' =>    array('MULTI' => true),
        'REGEXPS' =>     array(),
        'ESCAPE_CHAR' => true,
        'BRACKETS' =>    true,
        'SYMBOLS' =>     true,
        'STRINGS' =>     true,
        'NUMBERS' =>     true,
        'METHODS' =>     true,
        'SCRIPT' =>      true

Definiert in Zeile 232 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$line_ending = null

Definiert in Zeile 329 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von set_line_ending().

GeSHi::$line_nth_row = 0

Definiert in Zeile 383 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$line_numbers = GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS

Definiert in Zeile 377 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$line_numbers_start = 1

Definiert in Zeile 335 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$line_style1 = 'font-family: \'Courier New\', Courier, monospace; color: black; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;'

Definiert in Zeile 365 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$line_style2 = 'font-weight: bold;'

Definiert in Zeile 371 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$link_styles = array()

Definiert in Zeile 286 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$link_target = ''

Definiert in Zeile 401 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$overall_class = ''

Definiert in Zeile 353 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$overall_id = ''

Definiert in Zeile 359 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$overall_style = ''

Definiert in Zeile 341 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$source = ''

Definiert in Zeile 166 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von GeSHi() und set_source().

GeSHi::$strict_mode = false

Definiert in Zeile 208 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$tab_width = 8

Definiert in Zeile 389 der Datei geshi.php.

Wird benutzt von indent().

GeSHi::$time = 0

Definiert in Zeile 249 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$use_classes = false

Definiert in Zeile 214 der Datei geshi.php.

GeSHi::$use_language_tab_width = false

Definiert in Zeile 395 der Datei geshi.php.

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Erzeugt am Thu May 14 00:55:50 2009 für OpenRat von  doxygen 1.5.8